Recommendations To Start Your New Landscaping Installation


A new yard that is full of dirt and weeds provides you with an open canvas of possibilities for your property's final landscape outcome. However, it is recommended that you start with the right steps and planning in order to have a successful design layout and function within the space for years of attractive landscape growth and maturity. The following provides you with some recommendations and tips to help you out in your new yard landscaping project.

Plan for Watering

The irrigation within your new landscaping is really going to be the difference in how well the vegetation grows and if it survives during times of extreme heat. A heat wave coming through your area can kill off plants and lawns that are not getting the right amount of watering, especially from prolonged heat stress. 

It is first best to make a plan of your yard so you know where you will be planting various types of vegetation, and install any underground irrigation lines before you add in the vegetation, such as lawn. Then, your yard is all set up to easily irrigate your new plants once they are installed. 

Different types of vegetation can require different watering techniques and amounts of water, so make sure you understand the needs of each of your plants. It is important to provide the right amount of watering but without water waste through runoff or evaporation. Therefore, it is a good idea to install an electronic watering program to provide the watering during the early morning hours on a regular basis. Look to add in drip irrigation watering through tubing along the ground so the water is delivered right to the roots of your trees, shrubbery, and other ground plants. Install water-efficient sprayers for your lawn, which you can place for and manage the directional water delivery.

Fertilize Regularly

The soil's nutrient quality and composition are going to be another important detail for your new landscaping plan. Make sure the soil is going to support the growth of newly planted vegetation. You can check the soil quality for the presence of decaying organic materials and supplement it when it is needed. Use a rototiller to mix in a combination of bagged compost or manure, and other soil fertilizers you can find from a local landscape supply. 

You can also add in your own yard compost from materials, such as lawn clippings, shredded leaves, and organic kitchen scraps from vegetable and fruit peelings. You can start your own compost pile in one area of your yard where you can add various organic materials and mix it regularly until it makes a dark rich compost for your soil and to supplement your vegetation.

For help with your new construction installation, contact a landscape professional in your area.


21 June 2022

Beautiful Landscaping Can Transform the Look of Any Home

When my husband and I bought our house years ago, we thought it would be our "starter" home and we would move in a few years. We soon had two children, and we then decided against moving since we live in a great school district and we love our neighbors. However, I was growing very tired of the appearance of our home. We painted it a different color, and it still seemed like the "same old house" that we were tired of. We finally deciding that maybe good landscaping would "do the trick" and make our home more enjoyable to use again. We were right, and I now love our home! I now love spending time in our yard and just enjoying the scenery. I have such a passion for landscaping now I decided to create a blog about it. I plan to share many landscaping tips, so come back!